Install Newman on Windows

Pattapon Nook
Apr 19, 2022


  1. Visit
  2. Download Node.js from (Choosing the latest version).
Node.js download page

3. Install Node.js.
4. Open Windows Powershell.
5. Run “npm install -g newman” to install Newman.
6. Run “npm install -g newman-reporter-htmlextra” to install Newman reporter.
7. Run “Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted” to allow Windows to run a Newman script (if needed).
8. Export the collection script on Postman.

Export the Postman collection
Save Postman collection to file

9. Run “ newman run postman.json — insecure -r htmlextra — reporter-htmlextra-displayProgressBar” to test and generate the report, the report generated in “newman” folder.



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